Exhibition Oberkaufungen (D) 12.11.1995

Mishmar ha Majim Famke

Catalog No: 0
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: She has a pretty little face, good bone, good back, she has good balance, she has an excellent gate. It would be nice if she would be a little bit bigger. Rating: Excellent.

Eskapades Edition Limited Escorial

Catalog No: 1
Rating: vielversprechend
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: Typischer 8 Monate alter Rüde mit korrektem Kopfschnitt, braunen Augen, P1 unten rechts fehlt. Korrekte Haarstruktur, Knochen stark. Bewegung ohne Beanstandung. Insgesamt wuchtig und substanzvoll.

Balou von der alten Veste

Catalog No: 2
Rating: vielversprechend
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: Korrekt aufgebauter Rüde mit zum Körper passenden Kopf, dunkelbraune Augen, scherengebiß, wobei P1 unten rechts fehlt. Rassetypische Behaarung, korrekter Frontstand, leicht unterstellend hinten. Trägt die Rute teilweise leicht geringelt über den Rücken. Flotter freudiger Bewegungsablauf.

Aron vom Muldeberg

Catalog No: 3
Rating: versprechend
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: Kräftiger und wuchtiger Rüde,substanzvoll und knochenstark von vorzüglichen Knopfschnitt mit dunkelbraunen augen und kompetten Scherengebiß.Freundlich und zutraulich im Wesen.Korrekte Vorhandwinkelung,hinterhand ausreichend gewinkelt.Bewegung etwas unharmonisch,schont vorne rechts.

Buddy Holly-Star vom Klüthang

Catalog No: 4
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: Kräftiger und substanzvoller Rüde, Kopf zum Körper passend, dunkelbraune Augen. Etwas knappes vollständiges Scherengebiß. Rassetypische Behaarung. Kräftiges Gebäude, starke Knochen. Frontstand in Ordnung. Gute Hinterhandwinkelung. Bewegung leicht hackeneng.

Henk vom Vossberg

Catalog No: 5
Rating: gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 15 Monate alter brauner Rüde, großrahmig, mit gravierenden Schwächen im Vorderfußwurzelgelenk. Kopf etwas fein zum Körper, korrekt angesetzte Augen. Scherengebiß, P1 unten links fehlt. Insgesamt sehr substanzvoll. Schokoladenbraune Farbe. Im Stand etwas überbaut. In der Bewegung hackeneng.

Amor vom Frankenland

Catalog No: 6
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: Korrekt aufgebauter 17 Monate alter imponierender Rüde, ausdrucksvoller Kopf, korrekt angesetzte dunkelbraune Augen, Gebiß in Ordnung. Kräftiges Gebäude mit starken Knochen. Insgesamt gepflegt von bester Haarqualität. Korrekter Rutenansatz. Im Stand in Ordnung. Freundliches unbekümmertes Wesen. Flotter Bewegungsablauf.

Kairo-Bär vom Belmer Berg

Catalog No: 7
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: Kräftig substanzvoller 10 Monate alter Rüde von korrektem Maß. Kopf zum Körper passend, schön eingesetzte dunkelbraune Augen. P1 unten rechts noch nicht ganz durchgebrochen. Stand in Ordnung. Rassetypische Behaarung. Frei und ruhig im Wesen. Bewegung schwungvoll.

Eskapades Dimple

Catalog No: 8
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 12 Monate alter Rüde von richtigem Größenrahmen. Kräftiger Kopf, dunkelbraune Augn, komplettes Gebiß, mit 2 Schneidezähnen-Aufbiß. Sehr gute Haarqualität. Frontstand in Ordnung, Hinterhand mäßig gewinkelt. Bewegungsablauf pfoteneng hinten.

Elton vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 9
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 12 Monate alter sehr substanzvoller Rüde. Jugendlich verspielt. Kräftiger Kopf, braune Augen, untere Augenlider sollten straffer anliegen. Kräftiges korrektes Gebiß, knochenstark, typische Behaarung. Frontstand etwas breit, in der Hinterhand ein wenig steil gewinkelt. Bewegung hackeneng, insgesamt wenig Aktion aus der Hinterhand.

Dino-Panda von der Burg Dankwarderode

Catalog No: 10
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 11 Monate alter sehr substanzvoller Rüde. Kopf ein wenig leicht wirkend, braune Augen, komplettes Scherengebiß. Lackschwarze erstklassige Behaarung, vorne rechts ausdrehend, Hinterhandwinkelung in Ordnung. Trägt insgesamt zu viel Gewicht. Bewegung flott, verspielt.

Pelle von der Wolfsmühle

Catalog No: 11
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 13 Monate alter Rüde, etwas hochläufig wirkend. Etwas feinerer Kopfschnitt mit korrekt eingesetzten braunen Augen und vollständigem Gebiß. Obere Schneidezahnleiste etwas unregelmäßig. Typische Behaarung. Frontstand in Ordnung, temperamentvolle flüssige Bewegung, muß sich insgesamt noch füllen.

New-Fuur-Lands Sgt. Pepper

Catalog No: 12
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 9 1/2 Monate alter harmonisch aufgebauter Rüde. Typischer Kopf mit korrekt eingesetzten dunkelbraunen Augen, vollständiges Gebiß. Schöne Oberlinie, Frontstand korrekt, Hinterhandwinkelungen in Ordnung. Von erstklassiger Farbqualität. Einwandfreie Bewegung.

Janosch von der Heuneburg

Catalog No: 13
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 12 Monate alter brauner Rüde in sehr gutem Futterzustand. Kopf zum Körper passend, die Augen sollten dunkler sein. Zangengebiß. Haarkleid nich in bestem Pflegezustand. Korrekt aufgebaut. Frontstand in Ordnung, etwas steil stehend hinten. Bewegung frei.

Hardy vom Vossberg

Catalog No: 14
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: Kräftig knochenstarker 15 Monate alter Rüde. Kopf zum Körper passend, Augen sollten dunkler sein. Kräftiges korrektes Scherengebiß. Saubere Oberlinie, geräumige Brustverhältnisse. Schokoladenfarbiges erstklassiges Haar, überzeugend im Stand. Flotte harmonische Bewegung.

Digger-Panda von der Burg Dankwarderode

Catalog No: 15
Rating: gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 11 Monate alter Rüde mit typischem Kopf, dunkelbraune Augen, komplettes Gebiß, untere Schneiden etwas feiner, sollten stärker sein. Stand in Ordnung, lackschwarze erstklassige Behaarung. Bewegung sehr hackeneng, insgesamt schwach auf der Hinterhand. Bewegungsunlustig.

Quo-Vadis-Higgins von Freudenthal

Catalog No: 16
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 12 Monate alter korrekt aufgebauter Rüde mit kräftigem Kopf, korrekt eingesetzten dunklen Augen, vollständigem Gebiß. Korrekter Frontstand, Hinterhandwinkelung in Ordnung. Sehr gepflegtes lackschwarzes Haarkleid, rassetypisch. Frei und ruhig im Wesen. Fließende Bewegung.

Champ vom Alten Wasserturm

Catalog No: 17
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 9 Monate alter Rüde mit korrekt aufgebautem Gebäude von unterer Größe. Kopf zum Körper passend mit korrekt eingesetzten dunklen Augen und korrektem Gebiß. Frontstand in Ordnung, gute Hinterhandwinkelung. Erstklassige Behaarung in bestem Pflegezustand. Bewegung in Ordnung.

Kenjo-Bär vom Belmer Berg

Catalog No: 18
Rating: V4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 10 Monate alter sehr imponierender Rüde. Kräftiger Kopf, dunkelbraune Augen, komplettes Scherengebiß. Stand in Ordnung, starke Knochen. Sehr gute Haarqualität. Bewegungsablauf trotz der Substanz sehr überzeugend.

Geminorum Northern Crown

Catalog No: 19
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Anwartschaft: VDH-Ch-A, DNK-R-Ch-A
Written critics: This dog has a very excellent head, good top-line, good balance, good bone and feet, the gate is good, but there is a little less power in the rear, the rating is excellent. He is a very good and correct newfoundland.

Rythm vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 20
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This dog has a good head, the bite is not sufficient, the back and the loin are good, tail-set is a little long, bone is good, rear is very insufficient for power und gate. The gate is very lacking, Rating: Sufficient.

Hannibal vom Rothenfelde

Catalog No: 21
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This dog, the head is good, but the muzzle is lacking, bone-size is good, his back and loin are good, tail-set is low, his front is good, his rear is very insufficient for a working dog, is very cow-hocked and the gate is not powerful enough. Rating: Sufficient because of the cow-hocked rear.

Irresistible Akadur

Catalog No: 22
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This dogs head is good, his neck and front is good, his top-line and tail-set is good, in his rear he is a little long in the hock, his gate is good, could be a little more power in the rear. Standing is in good balance, Rating: very good.

Sorbas von der Wässernach

Catalog No: 23
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This is a good Newfoundland-head, good back-scull, muzzle could be a little wider, good eye-colour, good bone for his size. The top-line is good, the rear is good. He is a little small overall, and a little long in the loin. Rating: very good.

Alf vom Saarbachtal

Catalog No: 24
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This dog has a very nice head, has very excellent bone, feet could be tighter, needs a little more length of neck, his top-line is good, his rear is not very strong, he does not move straight. Rating: good.

Ursus vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 25
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This dog has a very nice head, good eye-colour, good bite. He is very straight in front shoulder and his angulation in the back is very straight. His gate is not very powerful. He is much better in front-gate. Rating: good.

Ole-Lukoje vom Glashaus

Catalog No: 26
Rating: Ohne Bewertung
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: We will not examine this dog because of poor disposition. Growling at his owner is not typical for a newfoundland, and he needs to be discouraged. It is very important that the temperament is extremely gentle.

Ivanhoe Prinz vom Welfenschloß

Catalog No: 27
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This dog has a nice head and nice eye-colour, and nice bite. Good bone-size. His back is a little slack, the balance front to rear is good. His gate is good but needs some better power. He could be a little straighter in the front. Rating: Very good.

Earl vom Gut Vossdiek

Catalog No: 28
Rating: Ohne Bewertung
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The dog cannot be examined, so there is no rating.

Kevin von der Ahne

Catalog No: 29
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This dog has a good head, a good bite, eye-colour is adequate for a brown. Good top-line, good bone for his size, his front gates well, rear could be more power. Rating: Very good.

Arpad Bär vom Rodebachtal

Catalog No: 30
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: His head is good, but it needs to be some bigger for his body-size, his eye-colour is light, his back is good, excellent bone, good back-line. He needs more rear-power, but his gate is good. His disposition is very good. Rating: Very good.

Dingo vom Vaterhölzchen

Catalog No: 31
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: His head is sufficient, the bite is good. The front is not sufficient for a good gate. His top-line is sufficient, there is not much power in the gate and his disposition is not very docel. The coat needs to be brushed out underneeth. He needs better grooming. Rating: Sufficient because of his gate and temperament.

Ulinox von der Wässernach

Catalog No: 32
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This is a very pretty-headed dog. Excellent bone. His gate is good, his back-line and tail is good. Good angulation in the rear. Rating: Excellent.

Boika von St. Clemens

Catalog No: 33
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The dog has a good head, good bite, his bone-size is sufficient. He is very straight in front, his shoulders-assembly is straight. His top-line is slack, His rear is stands sufficiently, but the gate is not very powerfull. He is carrying a lot of weight for his size, which I think is affecting his gate. Rating: Very good.

Na Starawje Nikita aus der Mackenmühle

Catalog No: 34
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This dog has a very pleasing head, has a nice back-line, a nice front, rear and top-line. Rating: Excellent.

Zabalou vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 35
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This dog has a nice head, nice bone, top-line is a little slack, good rear, good gate. Rating: Excellent.

Elton John vom Trieberg

Catalog No: 36
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: A good head, top-line is good, bone-size is good. Front legs could stand a little straighter, the rear is adequate, the angulations are good, tail is good. Gate is good, disposition is good. Rating: Excellent.

Topsys Orlowski

Catalog No: 37
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: His head is good, could be a darker eye. Bone-size is sufficient for his size. His top-line is slack. His front and rear legs are good. His gate is good. He needs more size. Rating: Very good.

Black Animals Fleyd

Catalog No: 38
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: His head is good, his top-line is a little slack, he is a little short on front-leg. His gate could be more powerful. Rating: Very good.

Gimmick von Widdersdorf

Catalog No: 39
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The dogs head needs to have a shorter muzzle and a browner eye, his front-shoulder-assembly is straight. He has got good bone and feet, the back-line is a little roached, the rear is straight and the gate is not very sufficient. Rating: Sufficient.

Don Quichote vom Tütten Hus

Catalog No: 40
Rating: Ohne Bewertung
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Cannot be examined, disposition not typical for a Newfoundland. No rating.

Gorden vom Vossberg

Catalog No: 41
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Its a good young head, excellent eye-colour and good bite. The bone is sufficient for his age, the back-line is good, rear is good, disposition is good. Rating: Excellent.

Cimba vom Vossberg

Catalog No: 42
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The back-scull needs to be more massive, eye-colour needs to be darker. He is low in front, his tail-set is a little low, his tail is a little short, he needs to be better groomed. Rating: Sufficient.

Help Higgins von Widdersdorf

Catalog No: 43
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: His head is very nice, his bone-size for his size is good. His top-line is a little slack, could be a little stronger in gate. His standing is good balanced. Rating: Excellent.

Ovid von Dorotheenhof

Catalog No: 44
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The dog with of muzzle and darker eye. Back-line is adaquate. Straight in front and rear. His gate is not sufficient for a working dog. Rating: sufficient.

Egebaeks Indiana Jones

Catalog No: 45
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Anwartschaft: DNK/VDH-Ch-A, BOB
Written critics: This is a wonderful dog. A beautiful head-type, beautiful front, excellent gate, covers ground, wonderful disposition. Rating: Excellent.

Blues vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 46
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)

Kimba von der Ahne

Catalog No: 47
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Its a good head and top-line, good bone correct in front, has a nice denced coat, his gate is good in front but needs more power in the rear, I still give him an excellent rating because of the type.

Sandokan vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 48
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The dog has a good head-type, the bone for his size is okay. His top-line is good, he is very straight on both ends. His gate is very insufficient, I would like to see more size. Rating: Sufficient.

Klabautermann vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 49
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The dog has a good head, needs a browner eye, he is good in front, good in top-line, good angulation, his gate is very good. Disposition is very good. Rating: Excellent.

Eskapades Campari

Catalog No: 50
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Good head-type. good neck and back-line, good bone, his gate is good. Rating: Excellent.

Bjornebandens Fit for Fight

Catalog No: 51
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This is a good Newfoundland-head, good muzzle, good bone, he has got a good head-line, stands well, he is very masculine for his size. Rating: Excellent.

Leopold von der Ahne

Catalog No: 52
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)

Cabotos Brown Quintus

Catalog No: 53
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: He has a good head-type, he needs a darker eye, even for brown, good bone, his top-line is slack, his rear is straight and his gate is sufficient, but not very powerful. Rating: good.

Molly Mills Indigi Inspiration Boy

Catalog No: 54
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The dog needs more muzzle, he had got a small, narrow muzzle, top-line is good, needs more bone-size. His gate is sufficient but not powerful. Rating: good.

Artus von den Sababurg

Catalog No: 55
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)

Frya Fresenas Fiene-Donna Dinka

Catalog No: 57
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)

Angie vom Berlingsen

Catalog No: 61
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)

Honeymoon vom Trieberg

Catalog No: 63
Rating: gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 11 Monate alte harmonisch aufgebaute Hündin mit ausdrucksvollem Kopf, dunkelbraunen Augen und komplettem Scherengebiß. Knochenstark und substanzvoll. Korrekter Stand. Sehr gutes Haar in Bezug auf Textur, leider fehlgezeichnet am linken Vorderlauf, auch an der Rutenspitze. Im Wesen einwandfrei. Bewegung in Ordnung.

Fenja vom St. Lorenz-Strom

Catalog No: 64
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 12 Monate alte Hündin in sehr gutem Futterzustand. Femininer Kopf, Augen könnten etwas dunkler sein. Scherengebiß, P1 unten rechts fehlt. Dunkelbraunes Haarkleid, Haarqualität in Ordnung. Vorne etwas engstehend, leichte Schwäche im Vorderfußwurzelgelenk. Hinten korrekt gewinkelt. Bewegung zügig, verspielt.

Djuna-Panda von der Burg Dankwarderode

Catalog No: 65
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)

Bette Davis-Star vom Klüthang

Catalog No: 66
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 17 Monate alte einwandfrei aufgebaute Hündin. Kräftig. Kopf zum Körper passend mit korrekt eingesetzten braunen Augen und komplettem Scherengebiß. Glattschwarzes gepflegtes Haar von wünschenswerter Qualität. Frontstand in Ordnung, Hinterhand ausreichend gewinkelt. In der Bewegung pfoteneng hinten.

Biserka vom Allgäuer Bär

Catalog No: 67
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)

Beverly vom Alexandergrund

Catalog No: 68
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 12 Monate alte mittelgroße kräftige Hündin mit typischem Kopf, schön eingesetzte braune Augen, korrektes Gebiß. Sehr substanzvoll, knochenstark. Frontstand in Ordnung, gute Hinterhandwinkelung. Bewegung sehr hackeneng und gebunden. Insgesamt massive Schwäche auf der Hinterhand. Behaarung von wünschenswerter Qualität.

Alisha vom Frankenland

Catalog No: 69
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 17 Monate alte harmonisch aufgebaute Hündin. Ausdrucksvoller femininer Kopf mit korrekt eingesetzten dunkelbraunen Augen, Scherengebiß. Knochenstark. Im Stand vorne rechts leicht ausdrehend, Hinterhand gut gewinkelt. Glattschwarzes erstklassiges Haar in Struktur und Textur. Korrekter Rutenansatz. Bewegung flott.

Divine-Panda von der Burg Dankwarderode

Catalog No: 70
Rating: V4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: Gut 10 Monate alte substanzvolle mittelgroße Hündin. Kopf paßt zum Körper, braune Augen, wobei die Unterlider straffer anliegen sollten. Scherengebiß. Frontstand in Ordnung, ausreichende Hinterhandwinkelung. Erstklassige Haarqualität. Bewegung freudig und flott.

Dakota-Panda von der Burg Dankwarderode

Catalog No: 71
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: Gut 10monatige Hündin in üppigem Futterzustand. Etwas feiner Kopf, dunkelbraune Augen, Scherengebiß. Leichte Schwäche in den Vorderfußwurzelgelenken. Hinterhandwinkelung gut. Korrekte Kruppenlage und Rutenansatz. Glattschwarzes Haar mit dichter Unterwolle. Bewegung frei, Rücken sehr lose.

Hera vom Trieberg

Catalog No: 72
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)

Zarah von der Wässernach

Catalog No: 73
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 11 Monate alte mittelgroße, äußerst substanzvolle Hündin mit typischem Kopf, Augen sind dunkelbraun, komplettes Gebiß. Starke Knochen. Stand vorne in Ordnung, hinten leicht unterstellend. Rassetypische Behaarung. Bewegung schwerfällig und unkoordiniert (teilweise).

Biene von der Porta Nigra

Catalog No: 74
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 10 Monate alte kräftige imponierende Hündin. Typischer Kopf, dunkelbraune Augen, im Scherengebiß fehlen P1 unten rechts und links. Stand insgesamt in Ordnung, beste Hinterhandwinkelung. Einwandfreies Haar in Farbe und Qualität. Bewegung zügig.

Juna Rasma-Bär vom Belmer Berg

Catalog No: 75
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 17 Monate alte bestens aufgebaute Hündin. Kräftiger, dennoch femininer Kopf, schön eingesetzte dunkelbraune Augen, vollständiges Scherengebiß. Korrekter Stand, prima Hinterhandwinkelung. Schöne Oberlinie. Einwandfrei in der Behaarung. Zügig und frei in der Bewegung.

Raffaela von Freudenthal

Catalog No: 76
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 10 Monate alte Hündin von korrekter Größe. Kopf zum Körper passend, braune Augen, korrektes Scherengebiß. Stand in Ordnung, Hinterhandwinkelung gut. Behaarung von sehr guter Qualität und Farbe. Bewegung verspielt und freudig.

Dana-Dasciana von St. Clemens

Catalog No: 77
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 12 Monate alte kräftige und substanzvolle Hündin, knochenstark. Kopf zum Körper passend. Dunkelbraune Augen, Scherengebiß. Korrekter Stand. Bewegung ohne Beanstandung. Beste Haarqualität. Insgesamt eine wuchtige Erscheinung.

Haifa vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 78
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 11 Monate alte Hündin von korrektem Mittelmaß. Typischer Kopf zum Körper passend, Augen sind korrekt eingesetzt und dunkelbraun, Scherengebiß. Sie wirkt etwas phlegmatisch im Stand. Sehr gute Haarqualität. Bewegung freudig verspielt.

Ischia vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 79
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)

Quality von Freudentahl

Catalog No: 80
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 12 Monate alte Hündin, harmonisch aufgebaut mit viel Ausdruck. Ausdrucksvoller Kopf, dunkelbraune Augen, Scherengebiß. Korrekt getragener Behang. Haar in Pigment und Textur von bester Qualität. Korrekter Frontstand, gute Hinterhandwinkelung. Bewegung einwandfrei.

Eskapades Divina the Perfect

Catalog No: 81
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
Written critics: 12 Monate alte sehr kräftige Hündin. Sehr massiver Knochenbau. Kräftiger Kopf, dennoch mit femininem Ausdruck. Dunkelbraune Augen. Untere Augenlider sollten besser anliegen. Erstklassige Haarqualität. Stand ist in Ordnung. Hinterhandwinkelung gut. Lose in den Schultern.

Kenia-Bär vom Belmer Berg

Catalog No: 82
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)

Xanta od Trojske skaly

Catalog No: 83
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Anwartschaft: VDH-R-Ch-A
Written critics: The bitch has a nice head, but needs a browner eye, good bite, good bone, good top-line, the gate is very good. Rating: Excellent.

Alice Springs vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 84
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Anwartschaft: VDH-Ch-A
Written critics: Very good head, good bone, good top-line, good angels in the rear, good tail, easy gate, rating: Excellent.

Festa vom Söven

Catalog No: 85
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Very nice head, correct bite, good bone, top-line is a little slack, good rear and angulation, good gate, correct coat and good temperament. Rating: Excellent.

Bonny vom Ziegler Hof

Catalog No: 86
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)

Cannon Bears Ever so much

Catalog No: 87
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: She has a nice head with good muzzle, bite could improve. Good back-line, nice bone. Standing good balance, gating is not very sufficient, she is low to the ground and not very feminine. Rating: good.

Easy Black Wonder vom Trieberg

Catalog No: 88
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head is nice, she needs a darker eye, her front is a little turned out, good back-line, good substance. The gate is good, rating: very good.

Wendy von der Wässernach

Catalog No: 89
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head is small, muzzle is narrow, the bite is good. She needs some bone, her top-line is good, her gate is sufficient, but not very powerful. Rating: good.

Funny Girl vom Trieberg

Catalog No: 90
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The bitch has got a good head, good eye, good, good eye-colour. The top-line is good, she is good in front and rear, she is well balanced, the gate is very easy. Good temperament. Rating: Excellent.

Azumy vom Saarbachtal

Catalog No: 91
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: This is a nice-headed bitch, I would like to see a little more brown in the eye. Good bite and good bone, she carries a good top-line, is good balanced and good gate. Rating: Excellent.

Daika vom Elenhouch

Catalog No: 92
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head has got a good back-scull, but needs wider muzzle. Needs a browner eye, the bone for her size is good, the back-line is good, she is a little short in front leg, her rear is not very angulated and the gate is sufficient. Rating: good.

Dina vom Elenhouch

Catalog No: 93
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her back-scull is good, her muzzle is a little narrow, eye-colour is good, needs a little length of neck, back-line feels a little roached. Tail is a little short, gate is not very strong. Rating: Sufficient.

Bianca-Dascha vom Elenhouch

Catalog No: 94
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her back-scull is adequate, but she needs a bit more width of muzzle, I would like a browner eye, she stands a little turnes out. Back-line is good, the rear angulation is good, her side-gate is adequate, but coming and going could be more power. Rating: good.

Aline vom Kaninchenberg

Catalog No: 95
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head needs a little more back-scull. Her back-line is good, her bone for her size is adequate, good substance, good tail, she gates well in front, in the back not sufficient power. Good disposition, she is a good type. Rating: good.

Cleo von der Ruhraue

Catalog No: 96
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: She has got good back-scull, but very narrow muzzle. She is very narrow trough the chest and elbows. The back-line is slack, her rear is very inadequate for a good gate. She needs much more power. Rating: Sufficient.

Olga von Hahnenberg

Catalog No: 97
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head is not very sufficient, she needs more back-scull, wider muzzle and a darker eye. The top-line is slack, her rear is cow-hocked and her gate is not sufficient. Rating: Sufficient.

Candy vom Vossberg

Catalog No: 98
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head is sufficient, she needs more width and depth in muzzle for her back-scull. She is a very masculine bitch, she is very narrow through out her entire body. The top-line is very slack. The gate is very inadequate for a working dog. Rating: Sufficient.

Cherie-Carmen vom Hause Glasewald

Catalog No: 99
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The head is adequate to the back-scull, but needs more muzzle. She needs some length of neck, the back-line is slightly slack, the front is straight and the bone is good, angulation in her rear is moderate, good tail and good straight coat. She is a little heavy in weight and her gate could be more powerful, Rating: good.

Bella von St. Clemens

Catalog No: 100
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head is very feminine, good eye-colour, good bite. Her top-line is very slack, frontlegs are good in bone and very straight and good angulation in the rear. The tail is okay. The gate is very good. Rating: Very good.

Momo von der Wässernach

Catalog No: 101
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: I would like to see a little more head, back-scull and muzzle. Good eye-colour, and a darker eye. Her top-line is slightly slack, she is not in good balance. She needs more power in the rear, rating: good.

Arielle-Gollo vom der Porta Nigra

Catalog No: 102
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: A very nice head, very nice eye-colour, good bone, good back-line, good balance front and rear. Her gate is for the most parts very good. She is a sizable bitch. Rating: Excellent.

Aimee vom Sierßer Hof

Catalog No: 103
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head is very feminine, her bone-size for her size is adequate, she is slack in top-line, tail is good, good is very good. Her movement is very inadequate in rear, lack of power, she is a very typy bitch but her movement is not sufficient for a working bitch. Rating: Sufficient.

Antje von den Drömlingsbären

Catalog No: 104
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head is adequate for a bitch, she has good bone for her size, she is short on front leg and has a slack front-line and a little straight rear. Her gate is only sufficient. Rating: Sufficient.

Dena-Bär vom Belmer Berg

Catalog No: 105
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head is adequate but she needs a browner eye. She has too much stop, she is short on front leg, slack in the top-line. Her angulation is in balance with her front. She is a little long. Her gate could be more powerfull. Rating: Good.

Molly Mills Icing Iana

Catalog No: 106
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: A very pretty head, good bone, top-line is good, good balance, good tail and a very easy gate. Rating: Excellent.

Anuschka Bär vom Teutoburger Wald

Catalog No: 107
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head needs more back-scull and darker eye. Standing she has a good top-line, she is a little low in front-shoulder. The balance could be better, she moves adequately. She is a little masculine for a female. Rating: Very good.

Holly Prinzessin vom Welfenschloß

Catalog No: 108
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: She needs more back-scull and she needs a bigger head for her body. Standing her back-line is very level, tail-set is a little low. The bone for her size is okay. Her gate is very insufficient for a working dog. Rating: Sufficient.

Andra Bär vom Esch

Catalog No: 110
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: She has a very feminine face, but could use a darker eye, she has got a good bite, good bone for her size. The coat is correct. The top-line is good. In the gate her rear is not very adequate. Her front is correct. Rating: Good.

Aika vom Sierßer Hof

Catalog No: 111
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: A nice eye and bite, she has a feminine face. Her bone is adequate for the size. Top-line is a little slack. In the gate her rear is not sufficient for a good working dog. She is a little low on frontleg too. Rating: Sufficient.

Pilar vom Felsbachtal

Catalog No: 112
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: A pretty feminine face, a nice eye-colour. She is a little loose in front-elbow, she has got a good back-line and a good balance. Her gate is very good. Rating: very good.

Fishermaid Felina vom D´Oultremont

Catalog No: 113
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The back-scull is a little flat, eye could be browner, she needs more neck, her top-line is slack, her front and rear are straight. The movement is not very sufficient, no power. Rating: Sufficient.

Semiramis von der Bergstraße

Catalog No: 114
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: A nice head, nice bone, good back-line, good angles on front and rear, nice easy free gate. Nice bitch. Rating: Excellent. Could have a browner eye.

Jana vom Freudenthal

Catalog No: 115
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: She needs a bigger head, more back-scull, more width of muzzle. Good eye-colour, good bite, wonderful disposition. Bone-size is adequate for her size, her back-line is good, she needs more power in the rear whilest gating. Rating: good.

Remi Demmi vom Riesrand

Catalog No: 116
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Anwartschaft: DNK/VDH-Ch-A
Written critics: A big bitch, but she is definitely a bitch, nice head, good strong eye-colour, good bone, back-line is good. She is a little straight in the rear and in her gating her front is a little better than the rear. Allover a nice Newfoundland. Rating: Excellent.

Quinny von der Wässernach

Catalog No: 117
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: She needs more muzzle to balance her back-scull, her eye-colour and teeth are both good, a little straight in the rear, her gate is good. Rating: Very good.

Ninja aus der Mackenmühle

Catalog No: 118
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: She needs a little more back-scull, she has got a wonderful muzzle. She could use a browner eye, she has good bone for her size. Back-line is good and her rear is little long in hock. Rating: Very good. She could be better in balance.

Cabotos Brown Queen Mylli

Catalog No: 119
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)

Eskapades Barbarina

Catalog No: 120
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Anwartschaft: DNK/VDH-R-Ch-A
Written critics: She has a very strong head for a female, but feminine. Her front assembly in standing is very well placed, has a good back-line. Rear is not quite so good balanced as the front. Her gate is very adequate for her size, but could use more power. She is a little bit heavy for her size. The excessive coat makes it hard to see her loin when she moves. Rating: Excellent.

Gwendy vom Eifelhorst

Catalog No: 121
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)

Priscilla vom Felsbachtal

Catalog No: 122
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: She has a nice head and eye-colour and bite. Good bone for her size, good top-line, good balance in front and rear, she is a pretty feminine bitch that moves well. Rating: Excellent. Nice correct coat, good disposition.

Faja Anuschka-Bär vom Belmer Berg

Catalog No: 123
Rating: fehlt
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)

Anka-Bär vom Teutoburger Wald

Catalog No: 124
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: Her head is very feminine, but she needs more width and less length in muzzle, the eye could be browner, the bone for her size is good, good back-line, she has got a good balance when she moves, front and rear. Rating: Very good.

Nortia aus der Mackenmühle

Catalog No: 125
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: She has a nice face and a good muzzle with it. Eye-colour is okay, would be nice if she had more bone for her size, but she is a little short in front, which makes her top-line a little slack. Her gate could be a little more powerful. Rating: Good.

Hope vom Eifelhorst

Catalog No: 126
Rating: genügend
Class: Offene
Judge: Ron Pemberton (USA)
Written critics: The head is a little strong for a female, her eye could be a bit browner. The top-line is good, the movement is adequate, feet could be tighter, the character is less than sufficient for a gentle Newfoundland. Rating: Sufficient.